


占星术在古代占卜系统中几乎是独一无二的存在。多数占卜系统依赖随机输入,如抽签、观鸟等,而占星的输入是基于一个完全有规律可循的、决定性的、独立于人的系统,但是解释这个系统的方法却与人紧密相关。似乎从有史料记载开始,人们就清楚地知道天体的位置变化中存在一种规律,不是随机的。(参见Astrology by Harvard University)


为了获取 Meteor 气象卫星采集的图片,我每天追踪它的位置, 让它飞过头顶的时间表主导我的个人时间表。我开始关注各 种卫星的位置,但是在此之前我从来没注意过它们,即使它们每一天都在环绕着我们飞。我试着通过写程序创造一种科技具像诗(technological concrete poetry)。人类利用星星 的位置来预测控制社会和个人发展的神秘力量;在我的程序 中,云朵利用气象卫星的位置来预测它们的状态和情况。


Astrological Concrete Poetry to Clouds Written by Weather Satellites (2020)

projection, antennas, laptop, satellite positions

“Astrology is almost unique among ancient systems, because it’s input (see Framework diagram) is based on a fully #deterministic system (the positions of heavenly bodies), but is extremely #human in how it is interpreted. Most ancient systems rely instead on purposely #randomized" inputs (e.g. casting lots), or those occurring #randomly (e.g. augury--flight of birds) in nature. From almost the beginning of recorded history, it was clear people knew the positions of heavenly bodies had a rhythm to them that was not random.”

See Astrology by Harvard University

Whether it is science or belief, people pay considerable attention to the stars’ positions. But we don’t pay much attention to the artificial satellites’ positions. People put our belief into a system of objects. Why can’t these objects be satellites, now that we have so many of them? There are constellations in human culture, what about satellite constellations?

To get images from the Meteor meteorological satellite, I followed its position every day and let its schedule dominate my personal schedule. I started to pay attention to the positions of various satellites, but I had never noticed them before, even though they were flying around us every day. I try to write a program that creates a kind of technological concrete poetry. Humans use the stars' position to predict the mysterious forces that control their societies and the progress of individuals; in my program, clouds use weather satellites' positions to predict their own states and situations.

The prediction itself is doomed to fail in making sense. This failure was deliberately presented.
